1. Research Awards
  2. Writer's Hall of Fame Award


Awards are presented each year at the fall conference for outstanding research. Awards may be given in three categories: master’s thesis or research paper, doctoral dissertation, and/or independent research. Please submit your research or work done by another IBEA member to the Awards Chairperson.

  • Each applicant must be an IBEA member
  • The research paper must have been completed during the previous or current calendar year
  • All submissions must be received (or postmarked) by September 1.

The Awards Selection Committee will evaluate the research projects and select the recipients based on the following factors: selection of the problem; design of the study; analysis and interpretation of data; and summary, conclusions, and recommendations.

Nomination Form

Name of Researcher:

Title of Research:


Home Phone:                                                               Work Phone:

Type of Research (Circle one): Master’s Thesis or Paper - Doctoral Dissertation - Independent Research

Name of Chairperson (or Person Nominating Paper):


Home Phone:                                                               Work Phone:

Date of Completion:

Electronically submit form and a copy of research (attach document or include web-link) to:

Awards Chair
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SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms

SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Research Award Submission Form - All materials must be submitted no later than September 1.


IBEA members who have written professional materials that were published and distributed beyond the local community are eligible for membership in the IBEA Writers’ Hall of Fame. The recipients are honored at the Fall Conference for their publication through June of the award year.

Applications are due September 1. Recipients must be members of IBEA currently and/or during the year their work was published.

Examples of publications include the following:

  • Journal articles—refereed and non-refereed
  • Chapters in books
  • Books
  • Monographs
  • Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations
  • Working papers if distributed wider than locally

Bibliographic Information

Author’s Name:

Title of Article:

Name of Journal (magazine, proceedings, etc.):

Publication Date:

Volume and Issue No.:

Other Information:

Electronically submit this form to:

Awards Chair
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SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms

SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Writers' Hall of Fame Award Submission - All materials must be submitted no later than September 1.

(For additional publications, make copies of this form.)

Illinois Business Education Association

44 Birch Lake Drive
Sherman, IL 62684
United States of America

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