These are duties for the affiliates to follow when they are responsible for the IBEA Fall Conference luncheon. See the Affiliate Hosts for Meal Functions link for a listing of affiliate hosts responsible for the meal function on a rotating yearly basis.

Find out from the first vice-president if there is a decorating scheme. If not, decide upon one.

Head Table

One large table with seating for about 15 with a center podium.


Table One large table with seating for about 25 people.


Confirm with the first vice-president as to what, if any, decorations are provided by the hotel. If necessary, provide two decorations/centerpieces for the head table (one on each side of the podium), two or three decorations/centerpieces for the sub-head table, and one decoration/centerpiece for each round table with seating for 10 people. Check with first vice-president for exact number of tables and number of people attending. There will usually be about 35 round tables. IBEA provides a budget to assist with expenses.

Table Favors

If possible, provide a few small favors for each person attending. These are usually collected from local area businesses in the affiliate area.

Reserved Tables

Reserved signs should be placed on tables near the front for scholarship winners and past presidents. If signs are not already on the tables, contact the first vice-president.

The affiliate should prepare a printed program of the luncheon for each person attending. The first vice-president will provide the conference logo/picture for the front of the program and the information, including the menu, to be included inside the program.

Members of the affiliate should meet to assemble any handouts to be placed on tables and to place decorations, handouts, programs, favors, etc. on the tables approximately one and one-half to two hours prior to the start of the luncheon. Persons with handouts for distribution have been instructed to place them on the head table in plenty of time for assembly.

The affiliate president responsible for the luncheon will sit at the head table.

Four to six members of the affiliate should make themselves available at the beginning and/or end of the luncheon to assist as needed with such activities as collection of name tags, distribution of materials, etc. Check with the first vice-president to confirm assignments.

Illinois Business Education Association

44 Birch Lake Drive
Sherman, IL 62684
United States of America

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