- Distinguished Service
- Friend of IBEA
- Outstanding Educator
- Outstanding New Professional
- Professional Recognition
Distinguished Service Award
The IBEA Distinguished Service Award is the most prestigious award presented by IBEA. The recipient of this award exemplifies outstanding service and dedication to IBEA. The recipient will be determined by the Awards Selection Committee and honored at the Fall Conference.
ELIGIBILITY - The nominee has demonstrated:
- Exceptional service to IBEA
- An ongoing commitment to business education
- A willingness to work with others to improve business education
- Appropriate memberships in professional associations
- Specific contributions to IBEA and to business education in Illinois
APPLICATION PROCEDURES – One (1) copy of the following materials must be submitted:
- Biographical Data of Nominee (Resume/CV acceptable)
- Responses to Award Criterion
- A 10-point or larger font is required
- Letters of endorsement for the nominee (two required). Standard size 8 1/2" x 11" paper or letterhead is required, and letters must be limited to one page. Submit one from a colleague/community leader and another from supervisor/administrator
- All winners will be included in a slide show during the conference. Please send a digital picture of the nominee to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in case they are selected for the award
- Demonstrated Service to IBEA - 60 points
- Demonstrated commitment to business education - 20 points
- Service to IBEA affiliate, NCBEA, IACTE, NBEA, student organizations, and/or DPE - 10 points
- Professional presentations, publications, and/or legislative activities - 10 points
APPLICATION DEADLINE - All materials must be submitted electronically to the Awards Chair no later than July 1 of the current year to:
Awards Chair
SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms
NOMINATE ONLINE - Award Nomination Form
SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Award Submission Form - All materials must be submitted no later than July 1.
Distinguished Service Award Nominee
List most recent activities first. Use 10-point font or larger. A resume/CV can be submitted instead of this form as long as it documents the same information requested below. If submitting a resume/CV in place of filling out this form, submit this form and write "see included resume/CV."
- DEGREES (List degrees, institutions, and years attended.)
- TEACHING/ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE (Give years of experience in business education teaching, supervision, or administration.)
- PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS (Provide name, years of membership, and leadership positions.)
- HONORS AND AWARDS (Provide name of award, year, and name of sponsoring organization.)
- PUBLICATIONS (Provide name of article/book, copyright date, and publisher. Do not include copies of any publications.)
Distinguished Service Award Nominee
Please type your response below for each criterion. Use a 10-point font or larger. If attaching additional documentation for a criterion, indicate in the response and make sure to include when returning the forms.
- DEMONSTRATED SERVICE TO IBEA Include all IBEA positions held, such as offices, board/task force chairmanships, committees or task force membership, conference host/hostess, session chair, conference presentations, and any other positions of responsibility. Include information about activities or projects that have increased awareness of IBEA, have made improvements for the organization, or any other information you deem significant regarding the nominee. (Maximum points—60)
- DEMONSTRATED COMMITMENT TO BUSINESS EDUCATION Include information about classroom teaching performance, supervisory or administrative performance, years of experience, subjects taught; give evidence of effectiveness (student, peer, and administrative evaluations). Supporting documentation from students, administrators, and/or professional colleagues incorporated into this narrative is essential to this criterion. (Maximum points—20)
- SERVICE TO IBEA AFFILIATE, NCBEA, IACTE, NBEA, ACTE, STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS, AND/OR DPE Include participation and offices held. Relate special activities that resulted in needed changes or improvements in the profession. (Maximum points—10)
- PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS, PUBLICATIONS, AND/OR LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES Include contributions to business education through major articles, refereed publications, non-refereed publications, and research activities (including grant proposals). Describe the significance of such activities on the profession. List—but do not include copies of—articles, monographs, books, etc., published by the nominee. Include participation in legislative activities and events. (Maximum points—10)
Friend of Illinois Business Education Association Award
The Friend of Illinois Business Education Association Award recognizes individuals or organizations outside the field of teaching business education who have recently provided or currently are providing significant contributions to business education in Illinois. The recipients will be determined by the Awards Selection Committee and honored at the Fall Conference. Examples of possible nominees include business firms, industries, boards of education, boards of trustees, lay citizens, legislators, etc.
ELIGIBILITY – The nominee(s) has/have demonstrated
- Significant contributions to the improvement, promotion, development, and progress of business education
- A concern for business education and IBEA as evidenced through sponsored programs, publications, financial support, and other activities
- Specific contributions to IBEA and to business education in Illinois
APPLICATION PROCEDURES – One (1) copy of the following materials must be submitted:
- Biographical Data of Nominee (Resume/CV acceptable)
- Responses to Award Criterion
- A 10-point or larger font is required
- Letters of endorsement for the nominee (minimum of two, maximum of four). Standard size 8½” x 11” paper or letterhead is required, and letters must be limited to one page. These letters may be submitted by supervisors, colleagues, educators, students, community leaders, etc.
- All winners will be included in a slide show during the conference. Please send a digital picture of the nominee to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in case they are selected for the award
- Demonstrated service to IBEA and IBEA affiliates - 60 points
- Demonstrated commitment to business education and its future - 20 points
- Service to business students and business student organizations - 10 points
- Professional presentations, community awareness activities, and/or legislative activities - 10 points
APPLICATION DEADLINE - All materials must be submitted electronically to the Awards Chair no later than July 1 of the current year to:
Awards Chair
SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms
NOMINATE ONLINE - Award Nomination Form
SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Award Submission Form - All materials must be submitted no later than July 1.
Friend of Illinois Business Education Association Award Nominee
Use 10-point font or larger. In addition to responding to questions below, a resume/CV can be included for additional documentation and reference.
Friend of Illinois Business Education Association Award
Please type your response below for each criterion. Use a 10-point font or larger. If attaching additional documentation for a criterion, indicate in the response and make sure to include when returning the forms.
- DEMONSTRATED SERVICE TO IBEA AND IBEA AFFILIATES. Include information about nominee activities, projects, and sponsorships that have increased awareness of IBEA or have made improvements for the organization. Include any other information you deem significant. (Maximum points—60)
- SERVICE TO BUSINESS STUDENTS AND BUSINESS STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. Identify activities that have resulted in better preparation of business students for careers in business. Also include development and/or support of business education programs that have resulted in opportunities for business education students to benefit from interrelationships with the business community. (Maximum points—10)
- PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS, COMMUNITY AWARENESS ACTIVITIES, AND/OR LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES. Identify efforts to inform others of the achievements of business education and of the needs of the program’s future developments. Identify the nominee’s role in public persuasiveness and/or support of state or federal legislation designed to advance purposes of business education. (Maximum points—10)
Outstanding Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary, Collegiate Educator and Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Awards
The IBEA Outstanding Secondary Teacher, Post-Secondary Teacher, Collegiate Teacher, and the Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Awards recognize business educators who have recently provided or currently are providing significant contributions to business education in Illinois. The recipients will be determined by the Awards Selection Committee and honored at the Fall Conference.
ELIGIBILITY - The nominee has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to business education through, but not necessarily including or limited to, the following:
- Contributions to business education through teaching including information about classroom teaching performance, years of experience, subject areas taught, and give evidence of effectiveness
- Membership, participation and offices held in local, state, regional, and national professional associations
- Special activities that resulted in needed changes or improvements in the profession
- Contributions to business education through presentations and business partnerships
- Contributions to business education through work with student organizations
- Membership in IBEA
- Contributions to business education through major articles, publications, and research activities
- Contributions to business education through teaching or administration
- Contributions to business education through religious, civic, government, cultural and private business organizations
- Specific contributions to business education in Illinois
APPLICATION PROCEDURES - One (1) copy of the following materials must be submitted:
- Biographical Data of Nominee (Resume/CV acceptable)
- Responses to Award Criterion
- A 10-point or larger font is required
- Letters of endorsement for the nominee (two required). Standard size 8 1/2" x 11" paper or letterhead is required, and letters must be limited to one page. Submit one from a colleague/community leader and another from supervisor/administrator
- All winners will be included in a slide show during the conference. Please send a digital picture of the nominee to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in case they are selected for the award
- Contributions to business education through teaching/administration including evidence of teaching or administrative effectiveness (student, peer, and administrative evaluations) - 30 points
- Participation and offices held in local, state, regional, and national professional associations; specific activities that resulted in changes or improvements in the business education profession - 20 points
- Involvement in other activities such as departmental responsibilities, service on committees, and working with student organizations - 20 points
- Contributions to business education through publications and presentations - 10 points
- Contributions to business education through religious, civic, government, cultural, and private business organizations - 20 points
APPLICATION DEADLINE - All materials must be submitted electronically to the Awards Chair no later than July 1 of the current year to:
Awards Chair
SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms
NOMINATE ONLINE - Award Nomination Form
SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Award Submission Form - All materials must be submitted no later than July 1.
Outstanding Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary, Collegiate Educator or Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Award Nominee
List most recent activities first. Use 10-point font or larger. A resume/CV can be submitted instead of this form as long as it documents the same information requested below. If submitting a resume/CV in place of filling out this form, submit this form and write "see included resume/CV."
- DEGREES (List degrees, institutions, and years attended.)
- TEACHING/ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE (Give years of experience in business education teaching, supervision, or administration.)
- PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS (Provide name, years of membership, and leadership positions.)
- HONORS AND AWARDS (Provide name of award, years, and name of sponsoring organization.)
Outstanding Middle School, Secondary, Post-Secondary, Collegiate Educator or Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Award Nominee
Please type your response below for each criterion. Use a 10-point font or larger. If attaching additional documentation for a criterion, indicate in the response and make sure to include when returning the forms.
- TEACHING. Contributions to business education through teaching. Include information about classroom teaching performance, years of experience, and subject areas taught; give evidence of effectiveness (student, peer, and administrative evaluations). Supporting documentation from students, administrators, and/or professional colleagues (incorporated into the narrative) is essential to this criterion. Do not include copies of student evaluations or other documentation. (Maximum points—30)
- PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS. Participation and offices held in local, state, regional, and national professional associations. Special activities that resulted in needed changes or improvements in the profession. (Maximum points—20)
- OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES. Involvement in other activities such as departmental responsibilities, serving on committees, and working with student organizations. (Maximum points—20)
- PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS. Contributions to business education through presentations, major articles, refereed publications, non-refereed publications, and research activities (including grant proposals). Describe the significance of such activities on the profession. List—but do not include copies of—articles, monographs, books, etc., published by the nominee. (Maximum points— 10)
- CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS. Contributions to business education through religious, civic, government, cultural and private business organizations. (Maximum points—20)
Outstanding New Professional Award Criteria
The IBEA Outstanding New Professional Award recognizes business educators who have been employed in the area of business education for no more than 5 years. This award recognizes new teachers who demonstrate innovative or unique teaching methods. The recipient will be determined by the Awards Selection Committee and honored at the Fall Conference.
- No more than 5 years teaching experience in the field of business education
- Nominee has demonstrated innovative or unique teaching methods that made a positive impact on students in business education courses
- Nominee has demonstrated accomplishments in the following areas:
- Significant accomplishments in the area of business education, including innovative or unique program, impact of program, and teacher effectiveness
- Membership, participation in local and state professional associations
- Professional contributions (may include presentations and publications)
- Involvement in civic and community activities (to include civic, fraternal, and/or honorary memberships and community activities or contributions)
- Membership in IBEA
APPLICATION PROCEDURES – One (1) copy of the following materials must be submitted:
- Biographical Data of Nominee (Resume/CV acceptable)
- Responses to Award Criterion
- A 10-point or larger font is required
- Letters of endorsement for the nominee (two required). Standard size 8 1/2" x 11" paper or letterhead is required, and letters must be limited to one page. Submit one from a colleague/community leader and another from supervisor/administrator
- All winners will be included in a slide show during the conference. Please send a digital picture of the nominee to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in case they are selected for the award.
- Significant accomplishments in business education - 60 points
- Membership and Service to IBEA, IBEA affiliate, NCBEA, IACTE, NBEA, student organizations, and/or DPE - 20 points
- Professional presentations, publications, and/or legislative activities - 10 points
- Involvement in civic and community activities - 10 points
APPLICATION DEADLINE - All materials must be submitted electronically to the Awards Chair no later than July 1 of the current year to:
Awards Chair
SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms
NOMINATE ONLINE - Award Nomination Form
SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Award Submission Form - All materials must be submitted no later than July 1.
Outstanding New Professional Award Nominee
List most recent activities first. Use 10-point font or larger. A resume/CV can be submitted instead of this form as long as it documents the same information requested below. If submitting a resume/CV in place of filling out this form, submit this form and write "see included resume/CV."
- DEGREES (List degrees, institutions, and years attended.)
- TEACHING/ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE (Give years of experience in business education teaching, supervision, or administration.)
- PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS (Provide name, years of membership, and leadership positions.)
- HONORS AND AWARDS (Provide name of award, years, and name of sponsoring organization.)
Outstanding New Professional Award Nominee
Please type your response below for each criterion. Use a 10-point font or larger. If attaching additional documentation for a criterion, indicate in the response and make sure to include when returning the forms.
- SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN BUSINESS EDUCATION - Include information about classroom teaching performance, supervisory or administrative performance, years of experience, subjects taught; give evidence of effectiveness (student, peer, and administrative evaluations). Supporting documentation from students, administrators, and/or professional colleagues incorporated into this narrative is essential to this criterion. (Maximum points—60)
- MEMBERSHIP AND SERVICE TO IBEA, IBEA AFFILIATE, NCBEA, IACTE, NBEA, ACTE, STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS, AND/OR DPE - Include participation and offices held. Relate special activities that resulted in needed changes or improvements in the profession. (Maximum points—20)
- PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS, PUBLICATIONS, AND/OR LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES - Include contributions to business education through major articles, refereed publications, non-refereed publications, and research activities (including grant proposals). Describe the significance of such activities on the profession. List—but do not include copies of—articles, monographs, books, etc., published by the nominee. Include participation in legislative activities and events. (Maximum points—10)
- INVOLVEMENT IN CIVIC AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES – Include contributions to business education through religious, civic, government, cultural and private business organizations. (Maximum points—10)
Professional Recognition Award
The Illinois Business Education Association board knows that our membership includes many excellent educators who have contributed greatly to their classroom, to their schools, to their professions, and to their communities. The awarding of the Professional Recognition Award to deserving recipients gives IBEA an opportunity to recognize its members for their many achievements and contributions throughout their professional lives.
- Business educators, at all levels of instruction, who have taught a minimum of 15 years
- Must have a minimum of 10 years membership in the Illinois Business Education Association
- Retired teachers are also eligible and are encouraged to apply
Every completed application which is received prior to the deadline and adheres to the application guidelines will be read and evaluated by the Awards Selection Committee. The following three areas will be evaluated:
- Professional Activities
- Services to the Business Education Profession
- Student-Centered Activities
Recipients will be presented with the award at the Fall Conference.
All winners will be included in a slide show during the conference. Please send a digital picture of the nominee to
APPLICATION DEADLINE - All materials must be submitted electronically to the Awards Chair no later than July 1 of the current year to:
Awards Chair
SUBJECT: IBEA Award Nomination Forms
NOMINATE ONLINE - Award Nomination Form
SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS ONLINE - Award Submission Form - All materials must be submitted no later than July 1.
Professional Recognition Award
Criteria Guidelines
Please include a cover sheet containing the following information: name, school, address (school and home), phone (school and home) and e-mail address. Use a separate sheet of paper to address each of the following three areas, limiting your response for each area to no more than one side of a sheet of paper.
Your responses should be complete, but as brief as possible. The suggested topics in each area are quite comprehensive, and we realize that not all areas will apply nor can all be completed for every nominee. We are asking for an honest assessment of the nominee and to give credit for what they have achieved. You may include one supplemental page to provide additional data which you believe has not been addressed in the three areas.
Upon completion, please staple this criteria sheet to your application, making sure that your response sheets are in the order in which the areas are listed below.
- Professional Activities: Please provide information pertaining to nominee teaching experiences and current memberships in business education-related organizations and other educational or specialty/ related organizations. Please include the number of years they have taught and been a member of IBEA. Include offices held in local, state, regional, or national business education organizations; other kinds of service to these organizations; and conferences and conventions attended.
- Service to the Business Education Profession: List presentations made at professional meetings and workshops/seminars conducted. Provide information about articles published in professional journals and textbooks authored, co-authored, or reviewed. Indicate service to their school, such as, a committee member, supervisor of a student teacher, department chair or program coordinator, mentor teacher to a new or part-time faculty staff member, and other professional service activities.
- Student-Centered Activities: List their achievements with student-centered activities. Please provide information about sponsorship or advisement of any student organizations, advisement to student organization officers other than at the local level, and contests they have chaired, conducted, or judged.