2024 Fall Conference Keynote Speaker 

Keynote Speaker - Kelli Chu

Kelli Chu is a motivational speaker and mentor for audiences of all ages. She enjoys helping people turn challenges into opportunities and reclaim their confidence and purpose. After surviving a serious car accident, there was only one word that could describe how she felt – alone. It was as if she would wake up each morning to a nightmare and the world continued spinning as if nothing had happened to her.

It was during these times when she longed for someone to relate to—to find someone who was going through something similar and who was feeling the same way she was feeling. Unfortunately, she never found that person. At that time, community building and social media didn’t compare to what they are today. So she focused on creating her very own survival guide.

Life throws everyone pivotal moments surrounding major health crises or catastrophic events, and sometimes these moments come out of left field, causing overwhelm, struggle, and darkness. Through Kelli’s guidance, many now understand their own unique plot twist and how to stay resilient in the face of adversity.

As teachers, we often see students who are struggling in their personal and home lives, many times with things that are out of their control. Teachers who have not lived similar experiences may have empathy for these students, but it can be difficult to know how to truly help them.

Kelli will share what she learned through her process of healing, through showing up at every occupational therapy appointment, reading inspiration memoirs and self-help books, and attending any supportive seminars she could find. She will share how she went from feeling alone and helpless to surviving and, eventually, thriving.

Kelli’s story and transformation is one of hope, inspiration, and strength. Kelli will share how she learned to grow from within so that we can help our students embrace their authentic selves to the fullest.