Eastern Illinois Business Education Association

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EIBEA Spring 2013 Meeting Info:

Spring Meeting held at Tuscan Hills Winery, Effingham, IL
March 20, 2013

 Pre-Meeting Activities

Roll Call taken around the room

  • OCC (2)
  • Cumberland High School (2)
  • EIU (2 plus 2 students)
  • Lake Land College (7)
  • Paris Cooperative High School (2)
  • Dietrich (1)

Business Meeting
At 5:30 p.m., President Marcy Satterwhite called the meeting to order. Heather Seaton stated that the Spring minutes had been handed out and asked for any additions or corrections. Amy Mayhall made a motion to accept the spring minutes; Rob Boyars seconded; motion carried.

Denise Walk reported an opening balance of $1,439.95 and a closing balance of $1,514.70 after completion of paying for the night’s meal. Motion was made by Shasta Bennett to approve treasurer’s report; Kathy Dougherty seconded; motion carried.

School Reports
President Satterwhite asked if there were any updates or topics new to their school they wanted to mention. Discussion was as follows:

Olney Central College – Shasta Bennett reported that school is going well, including a new certificate program with 12 students. They are looking to offer CCA exams, Human Resource Development, and Office Administration programs.

Cumberland High School – With all the cuts affecting schools, there is a fear of accounting not being offered anymore after the current teacher retires next year.

Paris Cooperative High School – Rob Boyars reported the Aplea software for accounting is wonderful and very user friendly. He also stated that Paris is getting rid of the graduation requirement for computer concepts and replacing the class with a new career course. Paris is developing four academies for freshmen next year. Heather Seaton reported that the plans are on hold temporarily for the new building to progress much more until the bond sale.

Eastern Illinois University – Julie Chadd reported EIU has ten business education students freshmen through senior level.  The school is doing a program analysis to evaluate what programs to cut and she fears that CTE may be one of the programs.

Lake Land College – Kathy Black reported that there is a lack of funds at Lake Land College as well. However, construction is still ongoing with a building renovation each summer. She explained how Zeb Hall (zero energy building) was built by donated volunteer labor and there should be no cost to run the new building. Zeb Hall should be open this summer. She reported that enrollment is level and there are no personnel changes with the exception of a new president for the college, Josh Bullock to replace the retiring Scott Lensink. She reminded of the LLC Business and Computer Contest that is scheduled for April 26. Lastly, Marcy Satterwhite reported that accounting might be able to be used soon as a math course.

Dietrich – Larry reported that there will be budget cuts of four teacher positions, including one business teacher.

New Business & Announcements

IBEA Report – Kathleen Daugherty, IBEA Representative reminded of the IBEA Conference:
            The conference went well and all of the presenters’ handouts are on the IBEA website.     Next fall’s conference will be on November 13-15 in Bloomington, IL.

Teacher of the Year Award – There were no nominations for Teacher of the Year Award.

Spring meeting location
Patterson Technology Center will be the meeting place for the fall meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

Raffles of two bottles of wine were presented.

At 6:00 p.m., Shasta Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Black seconded; motion carried. CPDU’s were handed out.

Building tour of Tuscan Hills Winery, including a wine tasting.

Meeting ended at 7:00 p.m.


For more details of the Spring 2012 meeting please refer to the Spring 2012 Minutes.

Spring EIBEA Business Meeting Documents
- Click the link below to open a "pdf" version of each document.

Spring 2013 Minutes

Spring 2013 Treasurer Report