Illinois Business Education Association (IBEA) | www.ibea.org | Represents business educators in the state of Illinois |
Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education (IACTE) | www.iacte.org | Represents Career and Technical Educators in the State of Illinois |
National Business Education Association (NBEA) | www.nbea.org | Represents Business Educators in the United States |
International Business Education Association (ISBE) | www.siec-isbe.org | Represents Business Educators from all over the world |
North Central Business Education Association (NCBEA) | www.ncbea.net | Represents Business Educators from the North Central Region of the United States |
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) | www.acteonline.org | Represents Career and Technical Educators in the United States |
Business Professionals of America (PBA) | www.bpa.org | Mission: contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. |
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) | www.fbla-pbl.org | Mission: to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. |
Distributive Education Clubs of America | www.deca.org | The association for students and teachers of marketing, management and entrepreneurship |
Pi Omega Pi | info.nwmissouri.edu/~oisbe/piomegapi | The National Business Education Teacher Honor Society, which has the purpose of promoting scholarship and service in the area of business education. |
Delta Epsilon Chi | www.delta-hq.org | An international organization for college students preparing for a variety of career areas. It's local chapters and state/provincial/territorial associations are a division of DECA Inc. |
Delta Pi Epsilon | www.dpe.org/core/home.htm | A national graduate honorary society for professionals who support and promote scholarship, leadership, and cooperation toward the advancement of education for and about business. |
EIBEA website designed and maintained by: Marcy Satterwhite msatterw@lakelandcollege.edu 2024©