Eastern Illinois Business Education Association

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Links to other Professional and Student Business Education Organizations

Professional Business Education Organizations:

Illinois Business Education Association (IBEA) www.ibea.org Represents business educators in the state of Illinois
Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education (IACTE) www.iacte.org Represents Career and Technical Educators in the State of Illinois
National Business Education Association (NBEA) www.nbea.org Represents Business Educators in the United States
International Business Education Association (ISBE) www.siec-isbe.org Represents Business Educators from all over the world
North Central Business Education Association (NCBEA) www.ncbea.net Represents Business Educators from the North Central Region of the United States
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) www.acteonline.org Represents Career and Technical Educators in the United States


Business Education Student Organizations:

Business Professionals of America (PBA) www.bpa.org Mission: contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) www.fbla-pbl.org Mission: to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Distributive Education Clubs of America www.deca.org The association for students and teachers of marketing, management and entrepreneurship
Pi Omega Pi info.nwmissouri.edu/~oisbe/piomegapi The National Business Education Teacher Honor Society, which has the purpose of promoting scholarship and service in the area of business education.
Delta Epsilon Chi www.delta-hq.org An international organization for college students preparing for a variety of career areas. It's local chapters and state/provincial/territorial associations are a division of DECA Inc.
Delta Pi Epsilon www.dpe.org/core/home.htm A national graduate honorary society for professionals who support and promote scholarship, leadership, and cooperation toward the advancement of education for and about business.


EIBEA website designed and maintained by: Marcy Satterwhite msatterw@lakelandcollege.edu 2024©