Who to contact:
Alicia Matusiak
IBEA Membership Chairperson
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IBEA Membership

$45 - Illinois Business Education Association (IBEA)
$105 - IBEA and Illinois Career and Technical Education (IACTE)

Student IBEA Membership
(Not Yet Teacher Certified)

  $10 - IBEA
$15 - IBEA and IACTE
Students are defined as: Individuals who are enrolled as full-time students preparing to become career and technical educators and who are not employed full-time in the education system as a teacher, counselor, or administrator.

Retired IBEA Membership  

$10 - IBEA
$70 - IBEA, IACTE (Active)*

*Must be an active IACTE member to vote and participate in the House of Delegates.

Paper membership forms are available from the Forms & Documents area of the website. Click the link on the right side of this page to access them. The membership forms are located in the Membership Quick Links section. To directly link to the membership forms, please folder click here .

NOTE: Membership dues paid to IBEA are non-refundable. Any dues payments received for an existing member with current dues will extend the expiration date of the member's dues. Any scholarship recipient that receives complimentary dues because of winning an IBEA scholarship will have his or her expiration date extended an additional year.

Credit, debit, or PayPal payments will be accepted for membership dues when processed through the IBEA website. We are accepting Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit cards, debit cards with any of the logos below, and PayPal accounts.

To renew with a check, please mail the paper membership form, along with your payment, to the membership coordinator at the following address:

Alicia Matusiak
IBEA Membership
360 W. Gordon Street
Coal City, IL 60416

If you have never joined IBEA or are wanting to renew your membership, you can select your dues option and create a website member account in just a few easy steps. To create a new account and pay your dues, please click here.

If you have any questions about the online dues payment process, please contact the Webmaster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All other membership questions should be directed to Alicia Matusiak at the e-mail address listed above.

National Business Education Association (NBEA)
Membership Information

As an IBEA member, you are also encouraged to join NBEA and NCBEA. Membership in NCBEA is automatic when you join NBEA. To become an NBEA member, simply go to the NBEA website at http://www.nbea.org and click on the link for Membership to sign up for NBEA. You may either apply online or print out a paper form and mail your dues to NBEA.

NBEA Dues for the current year are:

To apply as a student or retired member, you must call NBEA at 703.860.8300. You cannot use the online or paper membership forms for these types of membership.